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funeral home [parlor] 殯儀館。


Over the long term , it is obvious that we will need to identify land for such major facilities as waste treatment facilities , landfills , sewage treatment and pumping facilities , construction and demolition wastes and inert materials disposal outlets , columbarium and funeral homes , energy facilities , prisons , helipads , etc 長遠來說,我們必須預留合適的土地以興建廢物處理、堆填區、污水處理及抽水設施、惰性拆建物料處理、靈灰甕安置所及殯儀館、能源設施、監獄及直升機場等設施。

Some time later , she discovered that her child came home every day wailing and crying , making a ceremony for the dead . he was making a funeral service every day . and then she discovered that they lived very near a funeral home ; that s where he learned it 但不久之后,她發現她的小孩每天回家以后,總是哭哭啼啼的,而且模仿人家喪禮出殯的一些儀式,她這才發現他們家離殯儀館很近,孟子就是從那兒學來的。

They must present a letter from the hospital or the funeral home in the united states . about the death of the relative , together with other supporting documents , i . e . proof of relationship between the applicant and the relative , financial documents of the applicant , etc . click 申請人必須提供在美國喪者的醫院或殯儀館死亡證明,和其他的支助文件,例如證明申請人和喪者的關系,申請人經濟文件等。

Thai funeral home offers quiet lodging cheap and quiet accommodation is available for visitors to thailand s upcoming international horticultural show , but some may find it too quiet , the lodgings are in the funeral hall of a buddhist temple 在即將到來的2006泰國世界園藝博覽會上,游客們可以找到價格便宜且環境幽靜的住處,但這些住處或許幽靜得有些陰森可怕,因為它們位于一座寺廟的停尸房中。

A part - time sales representative of a funeral home was sentenced to six months imprisonment for offering dried scallops and mushrooms to a mortuary officer of a hospital for the latter s assistance i 一名殯儀館兼職營業代表,因向一名醫院殮房職員提供干貝及冬菇,作為后者在醫院協助招徠生意的報酬,被判入獄六個月。

Prosecutors in new york have secured plea deals with 7 funeral home directors who ' ve been linked to a scheme to dig through corpses for transplantable body parts 在紐約的起訴者已經獲得了對7個喪禮承辦者的訴訟。因為他們和一起/挖取尸體從而獲得可移植器官的陰謀事件聯系在了一起。

Prosecutors in new york have secured plea deals with 7 funeral home directors who ' ve been linked to a scheme to dig through corpses for transplantable body parts 在紐約的起訴者已經達成了對7個喪禮承辦者的訴訟。因為他們和一起密謀挖取尸體從而獲得可移植器官的事件聯系在了一起。

Prosecutors in new york have secured plea deals with 7 funeral home directors who ' ve been linked to a scheme to dig through corpses for transplantable body parts 紐約的檢舉者已經同7位殯儀館的董事們就辯解的藉口達成了共識,這七位董事與從兵團中偷取可移植的人體器官一事有關。

A funeral home in the southwestern chinese city of chengdu recently received a big contract - - preparing a 100 , 680 - yuan ( us $ 13 , 313 ) funeral - - for a deceased dog 成都一家殯儀館最近接受了開館以來最大的一筆生意? ?價值100 , 680元( 13 , 313美元)的寵物狗的葬禮。 。

Adolfi would not say how much he paid for the kitten , named cy , for cyclops . he said he plans to have it embalmed wednesday at a local funeral home 阿道菲沒有透露他花了多少錢買下小貓夏可洛普司,他表示即將在當地的一家殯儀館為小貓用防腐藥物保存尸體。

Prosecutors in new york have secured plea deals with 7 funeral home directors who ' ve been linked to a scheme to dig through corpses for transplantable body parts 起訴者在紐約贏得了一起涉及到7家賓儀管管長之間密謀挖尸盜取其身體可移植部位的訴訟。

“ every time i pass by funeral homes or cemetries , even in broad daylight , i always have that kind of spooky feeling as if ghosts will appear . 這個人說: “每當我走過殯儀館或墓地的時候,那怕是大白天,我總是感到陰森森,好像鬼就會出現似的。 ”

Every time i pass by funeral homes or cemetries , even in broad daylight , i always have that kind of spooky feeling as if ghosts will appear 這個人說: “每當我走過殯儀館或墓地的時候,哪怕是大白天,我總是感到陰森森,好像鬼就會出現似的。 ”

Later that day , i could not help myself and i went out and bought some white roses and took them to the funeral home where the young mother was 后來,我鬼使神差,出去買了一些白玫瑰,帶著它們去了停放那位年輕母親的殯儀館。

Pastor hugo chan turned from a group of reporters and walked into the north point funeral home yesterday to begin the service for joanna tse yuen - man 敬拜會長老陳世強離開記者,走進香港殯儀館,為謝婉雯主持喪禮。

The funeral was held monday afternoon from reavie brothers funeral home and interment was in bethel cemetery 葬禮于星期一下午在雷維兄弟殯儀館舉行,然后埋葬在圣地墓地中。

A place , especially a funeral home , where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation 太平間一種在埋葬或火化之前存放尸體場所,尤指殯尸房

In the front yard of a funeral home : “ drive carefully , and we ' ll wait for you 在墓地的前院: “開車當心,我們會等著你的。 ”

In the front yard of a funeral home : “ drive carefully , we ' ll wait . 殯儀館前院子里: “小心點開車,我們會等著你的。 ”